Classy Care Management


Durable Power of Attorney

One of the best ways to make sure you and your family are protected is to establish a durable power of attorney to make your financial decisions if you are unable to do so yourself. Classy Care Management will provide assurance in knowing that your finances will be handled in the way you want, and your loved ones can rest assured that your affairs will be managed legally and professionally.

Healthcare Surrogate

A health care surrogate is a person who is authorized to make medical decisions for another person when they are unable to. The surrogate’s authority begins when the client loses decisional capacity and ends when the patient dies or regains capacity.

  • Making health care decisions, whether in a hospital setting, long-term care facility, or at home.
  • Advocating for the patient’s health in response to their wishes.
  • Consulting with health care providers.
  • Accessibility to client’s health records.
  • Ability to sue on the client’s behalf.


What happens to a person when he or she is no longer able to make safe or sound decisions about his or her person and property? Guardianship is the process that can assist with living arrangements, medical decisions, financial responsibilities and any other individualized needs. Classy Care Management will implement a plan to assure the client receives the highest quality of care possible.

  • Voluntary Guardianship. When an individual has full mental capacity but needs assistance with handling self-care and the management of their property due to age or physical condition.
  • Limited Guardianship. When an individual can make some, but not all, of the decisions necessary to care for their self and/or property.
  • Full Guardianship. When an individual is unable to perform all of the tasks necessary to care for their person or property.
  • Guardian Advocate for Individuals With a Developmental Disability. A person who has a developmental disability that may be able to manage their individual needs but needs a little extra assistance or support. The individualized support plan can include but not limited to medical advice, financial management, and residential placement.

Financial Executor

Holding the title as financial executor of your loved one may seem like the natural thing to do, but it’s a big responsibility and, depending upon the extent of the duties, will require considerable time and effort. If you are working or have other full-time obligations, keep in mind that the responsibilities to ensure proper execution may become overwhelming. Classy Care Management can assist with advanced planning and facilitate implementation.

  • Annual Tax Filing
  • Medicare Benefit Management
  • Financial Fiduciary- Money and property management; monthly or annually

Personal Care Executor

There are many challenges in our lives as we age, expected and unexpected. Classy Care Management will identify your immediate and future challenges and implement a plan that helps you successfully meet them. We can breakdown complex situations into understandable information and help to make the best decisions for your needs.

  • Ongoing Management and Coordination of Care. Some clients may only require an assessment which will provide a roadmap for future care. Others may need ongoing care management. Some may choose to use a care manager monthly while others will do so for specific services or more complex issues only. Many families request for a care manager to coordinate all of the client’s legal, medical and social needs to alleviate stress.
  • Coordinate Services with Other Members of the Health Care Team. Research shows that clients who receive assistance under a coordinated care system experience better outcomes across the full spectrum of aging. Our care manager’s medical expertise, professionalism, and overall healthcare understanding tend to result in more thorough answers from medical providers. We are then able to successfully report that information to concerned family members.
  • Legal and Medical Liaison Service for Families at a Distance or Unavailable. Families living at a distance or otherwise unavailable are more susceptible to communication problems with medical providers and often feel “out of the loop” when it comes to the client’s well-being. Classy Care Management will bridge that gap by communicating with providers, scheduling appointments and transportation, and relaying information to family members.
  • Care Transition Coordination. A transition of care is when a client moves between care settings, such as when a patient leaves the hospital and returns home or goes to a rehabilitation facility. Care transitions also occur when a client’s condition changes. Classy Care Management provides the coordination during care transitions that helps prevent problems such as medication errors, delay in treatment, or improper facility placement.
  • Quality Assurance Monitoring at Acute and Long-Term Care Facilities. Without a medical background or sufficient time to regularly evaluate the care a loved one is receiving at a long-term care facility; family members can find comfort in receiving objective care evaluations. Such evaluations can be routine or on an as-needed basis to address concerns.
  • Locate and Coordinate Community Resources. One of Classy Care Management’s primary objectives is to ensure that all clients are involved with available community resources to alleviate family stressors and financial burdens. These professional resources may include government, non-profit, and private programs.
  • Mediate Family Disagreements Regarding Care Options. Attempting to care for aging loved ones creates unwarranted stress on family members. Classy Care Management can provide objective, expert opinions regarding care options, which are often cited as a means to mediate disagreements among family members.

Senior Living Advisor

Where a loved one will reside is one of the most common dilemmas that a family will face. Classy Care Management will help strategically plan for all facets of aging to maximize asset preservation, legal protection, and overall health concerned with living facility placement. In the event that a facility is needed, either for rehabilitation or long-term care, we can avoid the common missteps often made by loving family members and improve the chances of admission to a preferred facility.

  • Independent Living gives you the rewarding retirement that you deserve, all without the hassle of home maintenance. These communities offer the comfort of your personal space with resort-style amenities, programs and activities.
  • Assisted Living offer housing options for active adults who may need extra help with laundry, cleaning, and cooking. For the non-active adult, dressing, bathing, eating and toileting can also be an option provided.
  • Memory Care is designed for persons with a level of impairment making it unsafe to continue to stay at home but does not require intensive medical care. This option allows a person to maintain a level of independence while relying on the safety and security with a professional staff.

Senior Health Insurance Advisor

Classy Care Management provides clarity regarding insurance solutions to help you navigate the complexities of the senior market and plan for a secure future. With our expertise and dedication, we strive to ensure that you receive the utmost care and attention in every aspect of your insurance needs.
  • Medicare & Medicaid: We understand the importance of finding the right healthcare coverage that suits your specific needs. Classy Care Management will guide you through the intricacies of Medicare and Medicaid, helping you choose the best plan that provides comprehensive coverage and peace of mind.
  • Final Expense Burial Plans: Planning for end-of-life expenses is crucial to protect your loved ones from financial burdens during a difficult time. Our final expense burial plans are designed to provide the necessary funds to cover funeral expenses, ensuring your family can focus on celebrating your life rather than worrying about financial obligations.